The Swallowtail Cruise to Burnham

Swallow tail cruise
We would like to thank all the club members that turn out for the final cruising event of 2021. However, we still have the Winter Series to look forward to, a series of races open to all, see for details.
7 NFYC Yachts gathered at Burnham Marina at 17:00 for a safe arrival party on the jetty where the lady’s chatted away whilst recycling wine bottles and the men recycled cans of Fosters.
At 19:15 hrs off we went to the Curry Cottage. (Unfortunately, The Swallowtail Restaurant was unable to accommodate us). A good time was had by all, with more recycling taking place, snake glass this time!
Next morning off for breakfast in the sunshine, on the sea front with lots of coffee. A big thank you to Brian for arranging the breakfast. After another walk back to the Marina, we all departed at 12:30hrs back to NFYC.
The sail back turned into an impromptu race between Peppermint, Obsession, Ithuna and Whistler using head sails only. Good try Peppermint, but for leaving before the Rear-Commodore, disqualified. Whistler, good try. Obsession, do better next time. Wyxbon, sails not engine! Lunan, where were you? Ithuna was first back to the moorings.
A cracking weekend had by all, great company, good food, good sail, and a lot of recycling done by the club members.
Here are a few pics of our weekend and other club members out on the water.